19/11/2008 16:29:01 With Inputs from Daily Pioneer Thrissur: The dawn-to-dusk hartal called by BJP-RSS on Wednesday in Thrissur district in protest against the killing of an RSS leader late on Tuesday evening allegedly by NDF and CPI(M) workers near Pavaratty in the district was total. Shops and commercial establishments throughout the district remained closed while no public vehicular services were operated. However, no untoward incident was reported from anywhere. Former RSS Mandalam Karayavah Vinod (Vinu 34), Arakkal house, Thirunelloor, was hacked to death by a group at Kaithamukku, Padoor, Pavaratty on Tuesday. The police said Vinu died on the spot. The group of assailants had crashed the car in which they came against the motorcycle on which Vinu was coming to Kaithamukku. After the crash, Vinu tried to run away leaving the bike behind but the assailants chased him and hacked brutally. The gang escaped in the car in which they came. Vinod’s friend who was on the bike with him escaped unhurt, the police said. They said they had got the number of the car. The Thrissur district collector clamped the entire Pavaratty under prohibitory orders as tension prevailed. Sometime after the incident, Ajmal (19) of Cheruparambil House, Thirunelloor, a first year degree student, was hacked by a group as he was travelling on a motorcycle . He had suffered deep wounds in his head. The incidents caused tension in the area as BJP and CPI(M) workers went around destroying banners and posters and challenging each other. A heavy police posse was deployed in the area under the direct supervision of District Police Superintendent MP Dinesh. District BJP secretary B Balagopal alleged that NDF-CPI(M) workers were behind the murder of Vinod. The Pavaratty area had been communally and politically sensitive for the past several years. The calm being felt there since the murder of Mujeeb Rehman in 2006 was shattered on August 21 last when BJP-RSS worker Byju (24), son of Ayyappan of Maruthayur near Pavaratty, a taxi river was hacked to death at Puvathur near Pavaratty. This act also was allegedly perpetrated by activists of NDF and it had sparked widespread violence in the area in which three other persons including a couple, were suffered hack injuries. Meanwhile, the area plunged into an uneasy calm as panicked people preferred to remain inside their homes with police parties patrolling on the roads. With prohibitory orders in place for one week, the police did not expect much trouble in the coming days. Week-long prohibitory orders had been clamped in the Pavaratty police station limits after the violence in August also. Searches had yielded four swords from a drainage pipe in Kunnamkulam. The police suspected that these swords could have been the ones used by the assailants to hack Vinod. However, they said they were yet to confirm this. The hartal was total in the district with even KSRTC buses keeping off the roads. Shops remained closed even in interior villages. Very limited number of private vehicles were seen on the roads, However, essential services had been exempted from the hartal. | ||||||||||||||||
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Saturday, November 22, 2008
Hartal against RSS leader's murder total in Thrissur
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Temple Vandalised in Malappuram
Temple Vandalised in Malappuram 01/11/2008 03:10:52 HK
Kalikavu: More than 700 Chuutu Villakku ” (Lamps surrounding the The whole 700 lamps are lighted during this period of temple festival in connection with Kalampattu during deeparadhana in the temple.Under Kshetra Samrakshana Samithi Hindus observed hartal in the area. The case in connection with the burning the main gate of Angadippuram Tali Siva temple by Jihadis also has been sabotaged. Hindus in Mallapuram district are the torch bearers of Sanathana Dharma who haven’t succumbed to torture and violence for more than a century and no evil forces can deter their spirit of dharma by any such cowardly acts. | ||||||||||||
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Monday, October 27, 2008
What is Hindu Terror?
26/10/2008 03:39:21 H.Balakrishnan
This has reference to " VERY-VERY-SECULAR " Manan Kumar's " Hindu terrorism has begun to
sprout " - (TNIE- 26 Oct).
I notice the ' secular ' Manan Kumar files his reports from New Delhi. In which case, I don't remember reading ' this ' report from this 'secular worthy ', which was reported in other sections of the 'equally - secular' English media!!! Recently, the Ulema Council organised an Ajimoshaan Ehtazazi Ijlaas-e-Aam, a conclave that was attended by 100 Muslim clerics from across the country, where mullahs raised fire-and-brimstone speeches, and was listened to with rapt attention by 15,000 'believers'. But it was Taslim Rehmani, the chief mullah of Muslim Political Council, Delhi, who made the most startling declaration at the Ajimoshaan Ehtazazi Ijlaas-e-Aam: He described Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel as a “terrorist”. Later he lashed out at Sardar Patel for “forcibly annexing Hyderabad” and reiterated his assertion: “Sardar Patel was responsible for all the riots after Partition, for lakhs of Muslims who were killed in the riots. He deliberately allowed them to be killed. He was a terrorist.” Probably, it 'offended' Manan Kumar's "secular sensibilities',or, was he in deep hibernation ??!!
The Holy Koran states:
" Prophet, make war on the kafirs and the hypocrites, and deal sternly with them. Hell shall be their home, evil their fate.' [ Koran of Medina 66:9].
Jesus Christ, according to Gospel of Luke [in the New Testament Chapter 12] said: "
51: Do you suppose that I came to give peace on earth? I tell you, not at all, but rather division.
52: For from now on five in one house will be divided: three against two, and two against three.
53: Father will be divided against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother ".
Those were just two examples of 'monotheistic' 'love & tolerance'!!
I would be most interested in educating myself, if our ' secular - know all ' Manan Kumar could quote JUST ONE such verse, like the foregoing , from the Vedas, Itahasa Puranas, The Upanishads etc which exhorts the 'Sanatanis' to 'kill' or disturb ' the peace on earth ' . If he is hard put, it is not surprising - for he'll find none!! And yet, 'Hindu Terrorism'?
What then is ' Hindu Terror '? The ' secular ' English media loves bogeys. It's a bogey the media has been trying to nurture for some months now. But they had failed to make headway in the absence of any supporting evidence. A section of the media have loudly wondered why jihadi terrorists would specifically target their co-religionists and suggestively hinted at the possibility of Hindu groups coming under the investigators' scanner.
Under fire for handling Raj Thackeray's rampaging goons in Mumbai with kid gloves, the Maharashtra police authorities decided this was the most opportune time to selectively leak some sensitive information regarding the September 29, 2008 incidents. Howsoever far-fetched and tenuous the alleged suspects' links to the extended saffron parivar, the leaked news has come in handy for the 'secular' English media to resume the onslaught on "Hindu terror".In the aftermath of the perfectly legitimate Jamia Nagar raid, there has been a systematic attempt to claim that the Indian Establishment is guilty of regarding every Muslim as a terrorist.
This is precisely the premise on which the bogey of Hindu terrorism has been constructed. The argument is rather simplistic: The police and public are wrong in assuming all terror incidents to be executed by Muslim groups such as SIMI; that, new "revelations" suggest that many such terror attacks are the handiwork of Hindu outfits. So, Islamist terror must be treated on the same footing as 'Hindu terror'. So, if SIMI is banned, so must be Bajrang Dal, VHP, ABVP, RSS and, eventually, BJP.It is a matter of time before it is suggested by this lobby that the Sangh Parivar is, in fact, the biggest progenitor of terror in India; that they are doing so with the aim of breeding mass insecurity in order to bamboozle terrified Hindus into voting for the BJP in the forthcoming polls ! Q.E.D.!!!
As the Editor of a 'communal' English daily wrote:
" Is the average Indian so thick-skinned as to applaud Manmohan Singh when he says the first right to the country's scarce resources belongs not to the poor irrespective of caste and creed but only to Muslims? When anti-terror laws are diluted and vociferous demands for the lifting of the ban on SIMI reverberate through sections of the political class and the liberal-secular intelligentsia, should the victims of jihadi terror be expected to cower in fright? Isn't it then a miracle that vigilante groups aren't roaming the streets of our cities seeking revenge?"
It would do 'secular' Manan Kumar a world of good in particular, and 'THE NEW SECULAR CHRISTIAN-MUSLIM MONITOR' - OOPS!! I meant- TNIE !!- if they were to take note of these words from the Belgian historian Dr.Koenraad Elst in his " The Problem with Secularism ":
" Yes, I know quite a few of Gujarati Bania background, and I am rather uncomfortable with their tough talk. As children, these yuppies were brought up on Gandhi's extreme non-violence but now they are talking loosely about the need to ' give the Muslims a good beating', things like that. The psychology behind their evolution is that they have experienced how Gandhian attitudes of appeasing the aggressor and turning the other cheek simply didn't work, and than they have moved to the other extreme. In dealing with aggression,one should neither appease nor overreact." (pp -15)
By nature, the Hindu can never be a terrorist. Secular-fundamentalists should not provoke him to a point where he seriously contemplates the option.
And we are starting to see the long awaited Hindu reaction - Jammu, Kandhamal, Mangalore et al. Our gratitude to the 'SECULAR ENGLISH MEDIA'!! CHEERS!!
26/10/2008 21:00:31 Sadhvi Pragnya - the new Jhansi Rani
I am proud of Sadhvi Pragnya and the others who planned and planted bombs in Malegaon and wherever else. It goes to prove that Hindus are willing to go to any extent to destroy their enemies. This demonstration will surely make the enemies think twice before considering Hindus a sitting duck for their ominous activities.
26/10/2008 11:19:46 Lessons of History
DYFI Comrade,
Although the decision to unearth antinational activities are appreciable,CPM is doing it now because parliament elections are round the corner.If you examine the past you can see CPM has played similar games earlier too.Years back when an election was round the corner,EMS compared Sri Jagadguru Adi Shankaran to that of Hegel.EMS said Advaita and Dialectical Spiritualism propounded by Hegel are one and the same.So such actions are mainly to secure hindu votes.Immediately after every election they whip up anti-hindu passions using people like Sudhakaran.Immediately after they won last elections with 100 seats,using KEN Kunjahammed they published a book by Vishwabhadrananda Shakti Bodhi(a CPM fraud Swamy) and called Sri Adi Shankaran a fascist.
As marx said we must learn lessons from history.
26/10/2008 10:53:04 Hindu terror
All Hindus like Chatrapathi Shivaji must be a terror to those who are wrongdoers. All Hindus like Veera Pazhashi should never tolerate traitors and anti-nationals. All Hindus like Chanakya must root out fanaticism and intolerance from this sacred soil. All Hindus like Rana Pratap should fight bravely for national cause. All Hindus like Gauthama Budha must be compassionate to the poor and the meek. Hindu terror is to protect the poor and not to conquer anybody. If patriots are terrorists then Gandhiji must be a terrorist. Bhagath Singh must be called a terrorist. The pseudosecular media is playing a wicked game to please the congress and communist masters and the minorities. Nevermind. Hindus! Be united and fight to preserve our ancient culture. That is the only hope for our children.
Maths Professor
26/10/2008 06:37:32 Hindu terror
Hindu - Self respect=Secular Hindu
Hindu self defence = Hindu terror
Hindus have quantity x on hand today which must be multiplied by a factor of 100,000 to get anywhere near reasonable standard compared to christian and islamic terror. Get your formulae right and work harder and harder.
A DYFI Comrade
26/10/2008 05:00:20 Unite and Fight !!!
None of our Avatharas have come for making the Ahimsa but Himsa. Rama, Krishna and all the avatharas have come for the Himsa. But we misinterpreted and falsely thought that our way of life is Ahimsathmak.
Hey Hindus this is the time for your change your thinking towards Himsa. We have to kill the Devils who are going to kill us.
Unite and Act now otherwise u wont be there.
Haindava Keralam must apreciate the decision taken by CPM to fight the terrorists !!!
We should not oppose the right things like the opponents do towards us.
Give CPM all the supports to fight the common enemey.
26/10/2008 03:45:50 Why no action against the Ulema council
Why the UPA, especially the congress, have not initiated any action against the anti-nationals who showed the temerity to describe one of the greatest sons of our Motherland as a terrorist ? We know the ever minority appeasing Congress cannot take, let alone think of taking, any action against any anti-hindu, anti-nationals. They have to protect their minority votes whether they riot, indulge in arson or insult the greatest son of India or hurl abuses against hindu Gods and Goddesses or even hoist Pakistani and Bangladeshi flags in Indian soil. That is secularism for the Congress, the English media and the fanatic secular gangs.
Happy Diwali to all.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
'Obfuscations' AND 'Denials' don't help!!
01/10/2008 13:08:34 H.Balakrishnan LETTER TO INDIAN EXPRESS
DEAR SIR, Reference the 'exercise in obfuscation' - " Quranic Verses quoted out of context " - (TNIE-30 SEP). Faizur Rahman waxes eloquent on the term ' Kafir ' to mean ' anything and everything ', EXCEPT WHAT IT ACTUALLY CONOTATES IN ISLAMIC PRACTICE!!! What the writer means may be ' literally ' correct, but as defined by Islamic scholars : " Kufr is basically disbelief in any of the Articles of Faith in Islam." (Sahih Al- Bukhari, vol. 1, Muhsin Khan, Kitab According to the Koran " He that chooses a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted from him and in the world to come he will be one of the lost." (The Koran, Dawood, Penguin Classics, 1990, 3:85) Therefore, even though the Christians and the Jews believe in the “existence and unity of God,” they have been called " infidels ". However, they are placed in a slightly elevated pedestal than the polytheist - Hindu - and are termed as the ' Peoples of the Book '.The Hindu is a Kafir. No more. No less.
Kafirs – those who deny or not believe in Allah’s Revelations -- have only one place in the Koran – Hell : “ Those that deny Our revelations We will burn in fire. No sooner will their skins be consumed then We shall give them other skins so that they may truly taste the scourge.” (Ibid., 4:56). “As for the unbelievers, the fire of Hell awaits them. Death shall not deliver them, .…..” (Ibid. 35:36) The Hindus are guilty of being not only " kufr " but also " shirk " -- " worship of others along with God. " Shirk " also implies " attributing divine attributes to any other besides Allah." And to top it they are also guilty of idolatry -- an act which in the eyes of Islam is " worse than carnage " (The Koran, Dawood, Penguin Classics, 1990, 2:217) and “God will not It is hard to believe, that as knowledgeable a person as Faizur Rehman is not aware of the huge controversy, about a decade ago, that raged when Abid Reza Bedar, Director of Khuda Baksh Library in Patna questioned the use of the word kafir for the Hindus. (Ref: " Indian Controversies ", Arun Shourie, 1993, pp. 387 – 397) Qazi Mughis-ud-din of Bayana, while justifying Ala-ud-din Khalji's rigorous policy towards the Hindus, pointed out that, " if the revenue collector spits into a Hindu's mouth, the Hindu must open it to receive it without hesitation." Ala-ud-din assured the Qazi that he had given orders that the Hindu shall not be allowed to possess more than what is required for a bare subsistence. (History and Culture of the Indian People, Vol. 6, 1990, pp. 25) " A non - Muslim therefore cannot be a citizen of the State [ Dar-ul-Islam]; he is a member of the depressed class; his status is a modified form of slavery. He lives under a contract (zimma, of 'dhimma') with the State; for the life and property grudgingly spared to him by the commander of the FAITHFUL he must undergo political and social disabilities, and pay a commutation money. In short, his continued existence in the State after the conquest of his country by the Muslims is conditional upon his person and property made subservient to the cause of Islam." (REF: " The Legacy Of Jihad: Islamic Holy War and the Fate of Non-Muslims " - pp-34). So much for Faizur Rehman's obfuscation!! Onto to Deoband!! Of course, Deoband cannot and WILL NOT RESPOND! Here's Why!! In a recent Article in the media, Arif Mohammed Khan, wrote: " I was keen to know how it [Deoband] could reconcile this syllabus with the unambiguous teachings of Quran on the subject as reflected in its declaration against terrorism. I am yet to receive a reply." Again ," On the other hand, look at what the Deoband syllabus says: The destruction of the sword is incurred by infidels, although they be not the first aggressors, as appears from various passages in the sacred writings which are generally received to this effect.” Further, " Its syllabus states :When the Muslims enter the enemy’s country and besiege the cities or strongholds of the infidels, it is necessary to invite them to embrace the faith, because Ibn Abbas relates of the Prophet that he never destroyed any without previously inviting them to embrace the faith. If, therefore, they embrace the faith, it is unnecessary to war with them, because that which was the design of the war is then obtained without war. The Prophet, moreover, has said we are directed to make war upon men only until such time as they shall confess, “There is no God but one God.” And, here comes the crunch!! Arif Mohammed wrote: " This syllabus is not confined to Deoband, the seminary that was established in 1866, but is prescribed in more than 5,000 of its affiliates across the country and thousands of madrassas in Pakistan run by former students of the Deoband. It is curious that for admission into these madrassas no formal application is needed; instead the madrassas send their recruitment teams to very poor and backward areas emphasising that the education, food, lodging and clothing provided in madrassas are all free. The Muslims who can afford to spend money on education very rarely Dr.Walid Phares, a former 'Jihadi ' , commenting on the Deobandi Fatwa on ' Terrorism ' wrote: " Hence, the Deobandi fatwa should have instead asked clearly the Jihadists not to use these citations or else they would be considered as sinners themselves. But instead of using their religious prominence to remove the theological weapon from the hands of the Jihadists, the Deobandi clerics are attempting to shield the Jihadists from the actions of Governments by denying that these extremists are indeed using -- and abusing -- religion. A thorough analysis of the text used shows that the main intention of that declaration is to defend the Islamists from being contained by both Muslim and non-Muslim Governments around the world. In other words by denying that Jihadism is the root cause of many acts of Terror in Europe, the US, Africa, the Greater Middle East and Asia, the Deobandi fatwa in fact is shielding the Jihadists from the accusation of Terrorism, thus protecting them. " HOW CAN THE DEOBAND THEN CONDEMN THE I.M.? They are, after all, quoting the ' Median Quaran '. And isn't the Quran the word of God? The 'Only True God'? How can that be false? And Faizur Rehamnan gives the game away in his last quotation!! One God - One True God and the Last Prophet and - judgement Day. What if someone doesn't believe in that? Swapan Dasgupta wrote recently in the media: " If Muslim community leaders are serious about their proclamation that Islam is a religion of peace, they will have to walk the talk. India still awaits the unambiguous theological denunciations of not merely terrorism but specific terrorist groups like SIMI, HUJI, JEM and IM and specific terrorists such as the convicted Varanasi bomber and the man on death row who conspired to attack the Indian Parliament. Anything else is tantamount to short-changing India. " It will help the cause of India if the Faizur Rehamns desisted from ' obfuscations ' and the Javed Anands stopped being ' in a perpetual state of denial '. VANDE MATARAM | ||||||||
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"Even the Blind will see- BUT NOT OUR 'SECULARS' " !!
"Even the Blind will see- BUT NOT OUR 'SECULARS' " !! 01/10/2008 13:26:39 H Balakrishnan LETTER TO INDIAN EXPRESS
Reference your edit " Naveen needs to act now " - (TNIE - 01 OCT). In your anxiety to be balanced (small mercies!!), regrettably, you have ended writing a superficial edit. There is hardly any attempt to go deep into this perennial problem bedevilling Orissa. There are a whole host of open source literature available in hard print or at the 'click of the mouse', that will 'illuminate' the source of the trouble. But, being ' secular , prevents your edit writers from venturing into the forbidden territory, with a predictable hotch-potch coming out as an edit!! For starters. Christianity does not have a reputation for tolerance and respect for other religions. The Christian need to convert the entire world has been an historical obsession that continues in major Christian fundamentalist groups even today-both Protestant and Catholic. The Christian missionary’s failure to honour other religions, particularly non-biblical traditions, is well-known, with Christians still denigrating the sophisticated yogic traditions of Their targeting of the poor and illiterate, shows that they don"t like open debates in the light of day. Yet Christians like to ignore such inconvenient facts while posing as peaceful people concerned with human welfare, not with conversion. They are surprised if members of other religions are suspicious of them, despite their considering and condemning these religions as works of the Devil. They are easily hurt and insulted should anyone "question their motives. In the modern secular world, Christians along with Muslims, now demand conversion as a democratic right, even though their religion is authoritarian, and not democratic, accepting only one way; and not honouring pluralism in approaching the "Divine". They offer no freedom of choice about the "Savior" or the book or the creed that can bring salvation, and there is little tolerance for those who choose another way outside their faith. Writes David Frawley in his book " The Missionary Ploy "- " As a former Catholic, I know in what little esteem the Church holds Hinduism and Buddhism with all their great sages and yogis. Christianity, like Islam, sees tolerance not as a virtue to be emulated but as a weakness to be exploited.Were Christians really to honor Hinduism as a valid religion,all Hindu-Christian hostility could easily come to an end. As long as Christians hold that theirs alone is the "True Faith" and work to convert members of other religions in one wayor another, they should not be surprised if members of other religions do not welcome their presence." In an incisive Article in a web based daily, titled: " How Christian is it for Indians to kill Indians? ", Anju Prashar wrote: " In August 2006, I presented a report to Hindu & Christian national organisations of the UK, mapping out transnational activities of UK & USA based Christian Evangelists in India.In the conclusion of my 2006 report, I suggest that the pace and manner of 21st Century "Church Planting" activity in India - to re-label through conversion, hundreds of thousands of India's most economically vulnerable populations - would eventually lead to greater social stratification and the spread of social unrest. Unfortunately, we are now beginning to see this social unrest turn into large scale violence." Wasn't this what Mahatama Gandhi also voiced many decades earlier? David Frawley likens the global missionary 'business' to that of an MNC!! Echoing the same, Anju Prashar wrote : " The scale of financial funds flowing into India for Christian organisations from UK, USA & Germany total into millions of dollars per year, with a significantly marked increasing pattern since 2001." Continuing, she wrote: " The 2006 report also indicates that these transnational evangelical networked missionary operations, have the support of and funding from, key influential political institutions, politicians and church groups of the West. The report names UK based World Vision, Christian Solidarity Worldwide, CARE International, Christian Aid and it's subsidiary, Dalit Solidarity Network, along with German based Konrad Adenauer Foundation and US based World Evangelical Alliance as some of the largest organisations that support this activity." Corroborating the flow of foreign funds, in an Article in the Vijay Times of 19 Feb 2007, entitled: " NGOs AND THEIR ACCOUNTABILITY ", P.N.Benjamin wrote: " According to a report published a couple of years ago, of the over 700 NGOs then in How does it appear to ' secular eyes '? "SAFFRON"??!! Explains Mangalore, Chikmagalur, Udipi etc?? The Ministry of Home Affairs, in its annaual report for 2003-04 stated: " A scrutiny of the returns for the year 2003-04, submitted by 17,145 associations, reveals that foreign contribution amounting to Rs 5105.46 crores was received during the year." Continuing, " The list of donor countries is headed by the Are they contributing for 'universal harmony and peace'? There are much more such details available , which will reveal even to the blind the diabolical plan underway. But, how does one get to make someone pretending to be blind to see? Like the hypocritical ' Indian secular ', for instance? You wrote: " The Christian community has hit back at this 'saffron Hindutva',which militates against Hinduism that believes in tolerance and pluralism". John P. Jones in his : " " It is a curious fact that the hideous and bloody monster of religious intolerance was hardly known in Hopefully now you know where to look , provided you have stopped pretending to be "blind"!! CHEERS!! VANDE MATARAM | |||||||||||
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Vinayak Damodar Savarkar

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Blast again in Gujarat and Maharashtra, Jihadi's strike Muslim population once again
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Hindus thwarted Christian attempt to get Hanumanji 's moorthy removed in Kanyakumari
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