Friday, October 12, 2007

'Pot Calling Kettle Black'-Saudi abusing Europe for Human Right Violation!

'Pot Calling Kettle Black'-Saudi abusing Europe for Human Right Violation!10/9/2007 1:30:03 AM
Saudi Arabia urges the European Union not to discriminate against Muslims because of their faith.They urge these countries not to unjustly interrogate, treat with disrespect and humiliate Muslims. It also asks them to respect their religious practices like wearing the hijab in schools. –A News Report

HK Comments.It sounds totally absurd even to think in these lines when the political, religious establishment in Saudi Arabia itself does not follow these guidelines of Human Rights in any aspect.When the followers of different sects of Islam itself is discriminated in Saudi Arabia, what to say about other Religions! As we all know Practicing Religions other than Islam is strictly prohibited.

Presence of US forces in the desert has now forced them to show some leniency towards Christians. Whereas other religions like Hinduism and Buddhism is total blasphemous for those who now urge others on matters of Human Rights.Rigorous penalty is given even for worship at home. Political freedom and freedom of press is totally unheard of! But still they wants to put up the face of ‘Human Right’! The Americans who are so eager to bring democracy around the world have no say to this oil rich country. The Saudi royal family who have a huge saying in Islamic matters and in OPEC is very important strategically for the Americans. But to ask the Europeans to behave themselves, citing about past Islamic rule in some part of Europe somewhere along the Time line in the middle Ages is like- the Muslims of India claiming to be superior because some Hindus shamelessly allowed foreign invaders to lay siege over India ages ago. Its time to make corrections, in India and the World.
Re: 'Pot Calling Kettle Black'-Saudi abusing Europe for Human Right Violation!
pvas 10/9/2007 1:46:11 AM
The muslims and islamic nations are all about double-standards. The muslims demand full privileges and rights in non-islamic countries to do as they please, but will NOT accord the same privileges to non-muslims in Islamic countries. Why don't the muslims just stay put in their own islamic countries, if they want a total islamic lifestyle. The odd thing is, muslims run away from these oppressive islamic societies to the west, or to other non-islamic countries, at the drop of a hat (see the constant flow of muslims from the middle-east and south asia to Europe and USA, and the flow of pakistanis and bangladeshis to India), and once they get to their adopted country, they start their non-stop whining and demands about special privileges for themselves. What a show hypocrisy!
K.Venugopal 10/11/2007 9:11:13 AM
pvas has spoken about the double standards of the Muslims. To get a clear insight into the reason for their double standards, it would be worthwhile to listen to the following video, showing Dr. Zakir Naik's take on the subject of double standards.

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